Members Full MembersAssociated MembersAffiliated MembersReset filters PZPK Polski Związek Producentów Kruszyw Al. Solidarności 34/325 25-323, Kielce Poland +48 41 303 92 13 FVSK Fachverband der Stein und keramischen Industrie Österreich Wiedner Hauptstraße 63 1045, Wien Austria +43 590 900 35 31 FEDIEX Fédération de l'Industrie Extractive Rue Edouard Belin, 7 1435, Mont-Saint-Guibert Belgium +3225116173 CAPA Cyprus Aggregates Producers Association Dali, Cyprus P.O.Box 11112 2551, Limassol Cyprus +357 22266920 Danske Råstoffer Danish Aggregates Association Norre voldgade 106 box 2125 1358, København Denmark +45 72160269 Heidelberg Materials Kunda AS HeidelbergCement Group Jaama 2 44106, Kunda Estonia +372 32 29 900 INFRA ry Infra Contractors Association in Finland Eteläranta 10 Fi-00130, Helsinki Finland Magotteaux Magotteaux France SAS Rue du Général Sarrail 08320, Aubrives, France France +32 (0)475 47 53 03 UNPG Union Nationale des Producteurs de Granulats 16 bis boulevard Jean Jaurès, Clichy 92110, Paris France +330612387270 MIRO BUNDESVERBAND MINERALISCHE ROHSTOFFE e. V. (MIRO) Geschäftsstelle Berlin, Luisenstraße 45 10117, Berlin Germany +49 30 2021 566 22 GME Greek Mining Enterprises Association 42 Michalakopoulou 11528, Athens Greece +302107215900 Magyar Bányászati Szövetség Hungarian Mining Association Báthory street 7 1054, Budapest Hungary +36-30-9518-207 ICF Irish Concrete Federation 8 Newlands Business Park, Naas Road, Clondalkin 22, Dublin Ireland +353 1 464 0082 Lime and Stone Production Company Ltd Associate Company with Readymix Industries 155, Bialik Street 5252346, Ramat Gan Israel +972-3-7519464 ANEPLA Associazione Nazionale Estrattori Produttori Lapidei ed Affini Via Fontana 23 IT-20122, Milano Italy +39255184325 CLOOS Associate Company Member 33, Route De Belval 4001, Esch-Sur-Alzette Luxembourg +352 57 03 73 - 1 Cascade Vereniging Zand en Grindproducenten Bezoekadres Steigerboom 8 5331 KA, Kerkdriel Netherlands +31 (06) 22892334 Norsk Bergindustri Norwegian Mineral Industry Næringslivets hus Middelthuns gate 27 0368, Oslo Norway +47 23 08 88 40 ANIET National Association of Extractive and Manufacturing Industry Rua Júlio Dinis, 931 1.º Esquerdo 4050-327, Porto Portugal +351 22 609 66 99 PPAM Patronatul Producatorilor de Agregate Minerale din Romania Bd. Regina Elisabeta, Nr. 3 030167, Bucharest Romania +407 40111870 SZVK Slovak Association of Aggregates Producers Osloboditeľov 66 040 17, Košice Slovakia +421 908 774 075 FdA Federación de Áridos (FdA) Plaza de las Cortes, 5 -7º 28014, Madrid Spain +34 915 522 526 SBMI Swedish Aggregates Producers Association Storgatan 19 114 51, Stockholm Sweden +46 8 76 26 225 Baustoff Kreislauf Schweiz Baustoff Kreislauf Schweiz Schwanengasse 12 3011, Bern Switzerland +41 31 326 26 26 VERTEX VERTEX BERGBAUMASCHINEN AG Bleicherweg 50 8002, Zurich Switzerland E-MAK Asphalt Plant Yunuseli Mh. Yunuseli Bulvar 75 16165, Osmangazi Bursa Turkey + 90 224 248 90 71 TBG Technobud Group 9, Mykhailo Hryshka Street, Kyiv, office 1 02072, Kyiv Ukraine +38 (044) 391 32 07 MPA Mineral Products Association Gillingham House 38-44 Gillingham Street SW1V 1HU, London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland +44 207 963 8000 No items found matching your criteria