Aggregates Europe – UEPG is fully aware of the looming biodiversity crisis and committed to bring a significant contribution regarding nature protection and restoration.
When elaborating its 2030 Roadmap, Aggregates Europe – UEPG has committed itself to reach biodiversity net gain by 2030. To that end, we closely monitor the EU legislative initiatives and are participating in the Commission’s dedicated expert Groups, as well as its Business and Biodiversity Platform.

How can biodiversity protection & restauration go hand in hand with aggregates extraction?
The extraction of aggregate can favour endangered species, birds, and insects. Extraction permits now contain mandatory restoration clauses (i.e., transformation of the quarry after the extraction phase) which often aim at preserving or improving the net biodiversity value of these areas. Our members are aware of the pollinators’ decline, which is why many actions are undertaken at site or company level to attract pollinators (bees, insects, butterflies). On these issues, the extractive industry often works with biologists, landscapers, and local authorities to improve the biodiversity status of lands and tackle flora and/or flora protection issues.

How to measure biodiversity?
Aggregates Europe – UEPG has internally launched an initiative to develop EU-wide biodiversity indicators to be used across quarries and pits, to be able to measure biodiversity gain and witness our progress years after year.
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