GSM - Italcementi Group
To increase the ecological interest of an alluvium quarry from which an extraordinary aquatic domain (225 hectares) was created, near Fréjus.
The extraction of alluvium sand has increased the aquatic characteristic of the area, preserving it from the increasing urban development, especially of tourist infrastructures.
The Coastal protection agency was interested in the project and a project of public interest was declared in 1982, including the quarry in activity.
A partnership between the Coastal protection agency and GSM, with the agreement of the local authorities and the local environmental NGOs, was established. GSM gave the lands to the Coastal protection agency.
Some works have been made in partnership in order to re-create diverse types of habitat, which would shelter populations of fauna and flora species.
The Villepey ponds are a heaven of peace for biodiversity, within an area which is subject to from the touristic pressure.
272 flora species are listed, which amounts to 10% of the whole region’s flora. 170 aquatic bird species are listed: the Bee-Eater is the symbol of the Villepey ponds.
Coastal protection agency.